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Pascale Lévesque - The Website

pascale-levesqueFor more than 15 years, Pascale Lévesque was led to photograph your favourite artists across Quebec, as worldwide. Specialized in events, portraits of artists and entertainment, Pascale Lévesque is now moving towards weddings, destination weddings, maternity and your family. She had to have an online portfolio worthy of the greatest photographers.

Following the design of her new logo, Pascale and myself attacked the modernization of her website. Its former site was designed in Flash, thus was not visible on mobile media such as tablets and smart phones. For Pascale, it was critical that the new site could be displayed on these media.

URL : http://pascalelevesque.com

Année de production : 2016

Réalisation : Marc-Antoine Carrier, Expert Conseil Web

Design : Marc-Antoine Carrier, Expert Conseil Web

Conception : Marc-Antoine Carrier, Expert Conseil Web

Technologie(s) : PHP, MySQL, Responsive Design

Des collaborateurs satisfaits

  • “ I recommend Marc-Antoine because this is a person who has good people skills and enjoys a challenge. In the field of multimedia to have a person on time and goes beyond expectations is always a plus ”

    Sabrina Roc Investisseure - Mentoring - Service Conseil

    Sabrina Roc, Mentoring – Service Conseil

  • “ Marc-Antoine is friendly and loves to have fun while working. I enjoyed working with him because he always set the record straight. ”

    Geneviève Bélanger UX designer

    Geneviève Bélanger, UX designer

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